Session 20 Time and Tide Museum Feb 5 2019. Favourite things.
Maybe the first person in east Norfolk looked like this, but the earliest known man in England had dark skin and dark curly hair – Cheddar Man, 10,000 years ago. A collar of monkey teeth in amongst native American objects, a cabinet of curiosities that is a reminder of meetings in the USA sunflower fragment that is a broken bit of something that has become another thing in its own rightFamily history of two world wars, stories that were never told at the time, conscription, joining up, bombs dropped along the coast, rumours of Hitler’s interest in Norwich City Hall, straffing shots in LowestoftA Morrison shelter, imagine sleeping in there in war time, such a strange object, catching the eyeSubmerging in the 19th Century, heavy boots to keep you secure on the sea bed, being underwater and then coming up, a risky businessA signwriting apprenticeship at £9 a week, painting the flesh background for huge faces of huge stars who performed in Great Yarmouth. The faces were fixed on the theatre front and burned at season’s end. Making and sharing tapes, the tape spooling out and having to be wound back in, it’s still a better sound than digital, and now its a museum object, along with trolls, my little pony and a chopper bike